Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sad to see them go.....

I'm going to back date this because I feel like it's a good place to start.

I moved on my current block in February 2010. I swear, I don't think we will ever spend more then a year at any house. My husband and I were talking last night how we haven't spent more then 2 Christmas's anywhere since we have been married-lol. So off my bunny trail..... I met my amazing neighbors. These women welcomed me into their lives and driveways for our weekly Friday night drink (otherwise known as Porch Night or Fire Side Chats). I was is complete awe of them all.
All of our children quickly became friends and were always together. This seemed to be the perfect fit for us all. I have never in all my life had this sisterhood that I now had.
On Friday December 17 that all sort of shattered. First let me go off on another path...I am thankful for all the friends that I have left. Each and everyone of these women mean something different to me and are special to me in different ways and for different reasons. So anyways- the first friend I made on this block, the one that forced me out of my house, the one that just made me feel like I belonged moved. As if that wasn't bad enough, her daughter was Kadence's best friend. You would have thought that poor little girls heart had completely shattered- which just made me cry more.
My point with this all is that there is such a misconception of what an Army wife does, goes through- just what our life is in general. I love my life and for those who know me, know I live for this. I am well aware that I don't come first in my husbands life, even though I might be a close second- I know I'm not first. I know that's it's my responsibility to take the kids to the doctors, to go grocery shopping, to pay each and every bill on time. I do this all with pride because I know Ty is fighting for the greater good. We make friends and leave them, we paint rooms just to repaint the ugly and useless white, our kids make friends and lives that they swear we are ruining- even though they make new ones at the next place. I think that even for some wives, they just don't understand it- they don't get what they need to do to make this life work.

I miss my friend, but I know that god will fill that hole with another person or a purpose. It's important to make life go on. I know the kids are sad and I know that our other friends miss her to. But the Army has it's way of bringing people back together and I'm positive we'll see each other again!

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